Honey Harvest - Video

I finally got around to editing some footage from our honey harvest back in September. It was a beautiful morning, but we (meaning my wife and our friend Josh) had to work quickly to remove and clean the frames and make it to our extraction appointment on time. It's much easier to bring the frames to a place that already has all the equipment and knows what they are doing. Plus, they do all the cleanup. We brought them the frames and they cut off the capped combs and spun out the honey for us. We ended up with about 65 pounds of honey which we took home and bottled ourselves. The honey tasted a little different this year, kind of like apricot and pumpkin. Who knows were those bees had been!

Hope you enjoy this short video!

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/61500839 w=600&h=337]

Honey Harvest from Jeff Baumgart on Vimeo.


Danboard Plays in the Forest


Large Group, Small Space