Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart

Autumn in the White Mountains

What a beautiful weekend we had here in New England! It was unseasonably warm with temps in the high 70's. I prefer it much cooler, but it was still very nice. Saturday morning started of nice with breakfast at the West End Diner until a little girl behind me somehow flung eggs all over my back. How does that even happen?! It was kind of awkward as her mother and the waitress tried to clean me off. Anyways, it was soon forgotten as we headed up North into the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire. The fall foliage was not quite in full peak, but the scenery was still beautiful. We did some hiking in Franconia Notch along the Pemigewasset River. The leaves and water made for some great photo ops. After playfully disrespecting a statue of Hugh Gallen, we stopped by the Woodstock Brewery for dinner. Great homemade beers and burgers!

The White Mountains are such a great place to enjoy this time of year. It's really too bad that it's so short.

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Autumn in White Mountains NH

Autumn in White Mountains NH

Autumn in White Mountains NH

Autumn in White Mountains NH

Autumn in White Mountains NH

Autumn in White Mountains NH

Hugh Gallen NH

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