Photo Jeff Baumgart Photo Jeff Baumgart

Foliage Season Is Over :(

It's too bad that the most beautiful time of year in New England is also the shortest. Next up, WINTER!

Bright New England fall foliage by Jeff Baumgart Creative Media
Autumn sunset by Jeff Baumgart Creative Media
Danboard enjoying the New England fall foliage by Jeff Baumgart Creative Media
Moss Glen Falls - Granville, VT by Jeff Baumgart Creative Media
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Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart

A Taste of Fall

Danboard Sam Adams Octoberfest Despite the fact that we shoveled before we raked, I'm not giving in to the idea that fall is gone. This is the best time of year and I'm not going to let a measly 12" of snow in October ruin it. As I was enjoying a hearty, crisp Sam Adams Octoberfest the other day, I thought about how the autumn motif on the label and the taste itself really reminded me of how great this time of year is. Since it is also so fleeting and, as the Nor'Easter last week proved, unpredictable, I thought I would set up a little photo to remember the feeling. As usual, Danboard always senses when the camera is out!


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Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart

Autumn in the White Mountains

What a beautiful weekend we had here in New England! It was unseasonably warm with temps in the high 70's. I prefer it much cooler, but it was still very nice. Saturday morning started of nice with breakfast at the West End Diner until a little girl behind me somehow flung eggs all over my back. How does that even happen?! It was kind of awkward as her mother and the waitress tried to clean me off. Anyways, it was soon forgotten as we headed up North into the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire. The fall foliage was not quite in full peak, but the scenery was still beautiful. We did some hiking in Franconia Notch along the Pemigewasset River. The leaves and water made for some great photo ops. After playfully disrespecting a statue of Hugh Gallen, we stopped by the Woodstock Brewery for dinner. Great homemade beers and burgers!

The White Mountains are such a great place to enjoy this time of year. It's really too bad that it's so short.

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Autumn in White Mountains NH

Autumn in White Mountains NH

Autumn in White Mountains NH

Autumn in White Mountains NH

Autumn in White Mountains NH

Autumn in White Mountains NH

Hugh Gallen NH

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Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart

Apple Harvest at Old Sturbridge Village

apples at Sturbridge Village This past weekend, visitors to Old Sturbridge Village (one of the best places on Earth) were treated to view and help out with the annual apple harvest. Crisp air and the smell of fresh apples added to the old New England charm of the village. The apples were picked from the trees in the old fashioned way with a toothed tin basket attached to a pole. We even got to try our hand at the tedious but strangely relaxing work.

On display and available for tasting were many heirloom apples, types that were widely grown in New England in the 1800's but are very rare today. Most of them I had never heard of. My favorite was the Titus Pippin from 1841. Back then apples were grown mostly for cider because good drinking water was not available. The oxen of Sturbridge Village were busy working in the cider mill while pies were being made in the small cottages.

The tickets at Old Sturbridge Village are good for 10 days, so of course I will be going back for some more photos. Stay tuned!

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