Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart

A Taste of Fall

Danboard Sam Adams Octoberfest Despite the fact that we shoveled before we raked, I'm not giving in to the idea that fall is gone. This is the best time of year and I'm not going to let a measly 12" of snow in October ruin it. As I was enjoying a hearty, crisp Sam Adams Octoberfest the other day, I thought about how the autumn motif on the label and the taste itself really reminded me of how great this time of year is. Since it is also so fleeting and, as the Nor'Easter last week proved, unpredictable, I thought I would set up a little photo to remember the feeling. As usual, Danboard always senses when the camera is out!


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Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart Uncategorized Jeff Baumgart

Golden Monkey!

A friend of mine just got back from Costa Rica and brought this back for me. According to the can, it is "an exciting combination of ingredients". I love the hilarious can, but expected it to taste like a monkey. There was no foamy head whatsoever, but it actually tasted pretty good. Imagine a light beer mixed with canned peaches. Now I'm no beer connoisseur, but I would definitely recommend a nice cold Golden Monkey. Thanks Lukas! Golden Monkey

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